Sunday, 4 January 2015

Overview Of 2014

Sorry about the slight lateness of this post, the title clearly states 'Overview Of 2014'. It is now 4th January 2015.

2014 was a very exciting year, with lots of conversions (Some being 3 or even 4 months late, due to ADL not delivering their new buses in time), curtailments and odd workings! I have put together some collages of my favourite photos.

As well as this, I have put together collages of every odd working and curtailment I have seen this year! They are seen below.
Nothing too hard to read on this one.

Top left is the 53 heading towards Lambeth North.

Nothing too hard to read on this one either!

Above the 248 to Romford Station is a 248 to Upminster Park Estate. Below the 346 is a 51 Reg Dart Pointer on the 347.

Bottom Right is the 55 to Ash Grove and above that is the 98 to Russell Square. Above the dark 15 (due to me fiddling with the camera) to Ludgate Circus, is the 161 to Charlton Station

Lots of things that are hard to read on this one. All the 73s, except for the one to the left of the 10 to Oxford Circus, are heading to Albion Road. The other one is heading to Marble Arch. Bottom left is an Enviro 400 on the 19! I think that that's quite rare! Top left is a 10 to Warren Street. Bottom right is an E400 on the 247. To the left of that is an ALX400 on the 66.

Finally, I have some pictures of the oddest workings of the year! There is also a rare curtailment.
From bottom left to top right, here we have VGD1 on the 141! I think this is really quite rare! Then there is a 3 curtailed to Kennington Church! I have never even heard of it, despite seen it! Thirdly we have one of the rarest workings of the year. EH5 on the 19!! I am amazed and proud to have this photo, although it is definitely not the best. And finally... DE955 ON THE 32!!! This is almost certainly the rarest working of the year. I am very proud to have this picture on my camera. When I took the photo, I was unaware of how amazing it was, so it is slightly blurry, but still, it is amazing!

Overall, 2014 was an amazing year, but in 2015 there will be limited posts due to other commitments. I will try to keep up to date though!

It is quite late, but have a very happy new year and I hope 2015 will be just as exciting as last year!