Saturday, 30 May 2015

My New Camera and Ensign Extravaganza!

On 23/05/15, I got a new camera! Originally, I had a Canon Powershot SX220 HS. Now, I have upgraded to a newer version - the Canon Powershot SX700 HS! Also, I went on Vision's Ensign Extravaganza, which was a great test! Here are some of my favourite photos with it so far:
I know I don't usually take photos of coaches, but it was an opportunity!
If I may say so myself, a really good photo of one of Ensign's new Gemini 2s on route 73.
15016 ready to pick up... well, realistically... nobody!
RT3232 ready to work the Ensign Extravaganza feeder service!
The first photo stop, by the Tower Of London
I kindly got allowed to get in the cab! I can't believe how people drive these things! They're so basic!
A quick snap at Embankment, then the tour started!
The first proper photo stop on the tour, at Bow Church
Some photographers, including me, got off at Stratford and let the bus drive round the block so we could get a photo!
 RT3232 next to the station nearest to my home. Upminster. (Unfortunately, the sign wasn't up, but the banner for We Are FSTVL shows that it is Upminster!)
An Ensignbus MCV Evolution (All photos are now at Purfleet Depot)
An ex-Western Greyhound bus in the Ensign sales fleet.
Pointer Sandwich - Two fairly mouldy slices of President and some yummy Pointer as the filling!
A bus with tricky lighting inside the Ensign garage building.
Not the greatest photo, but a lovely line-up of lots of old RMs, RTs and so on.
A very rare (I think it's one of a kind!) bus
An ex-Stagecoach ALX400 just after centre door removal
Two lovely old RTs (RT8 and RT1499) standing in the yard, ready for weddings.
The second bus for the day, RCL2226 on its one and only photoshoot at Tilbury Docks
The bus in a mirror near Aldgate
RCL2226 on the Embankment, ready to run the Lakeside feeder. It ran from Embankment to Kennington Road for a driver change, then Kennington Road, over Tower Bridge to a place near Barking to pick up another driver, but he wasn't there in time, so we just ran back to Lakeside. On the day, we passed the same place in Barking about three times!
Back at Lakeside, about an hour and a half late. At least we got our money's worth!
After that, it was dinner at Wagamama, then 370 and 248 home to watch what was left of Eurovision.
See earlier post for some drama at Lakeside.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

19727 and 6117 Minor Incident - Lakeside

Today in Lakeside, I witnessed a minor incident between a Stagecoach Enviro 400 and an Arriva ALX400. Here are some pictures:
This is one of the buses involved taken before the incident. Unfortunately, I couldn't get one of 19727 before, but I don't want to give away the crash!

Can you guess what happened? It was the Stagecoach driver's fault. He drove out of the bus station and whacked his wing mirror on the 370! The E400 driver actually left the wing mirror on the floor of Lakeside Bus Station! Then another 372 drove over it and crushed it a bit!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 21/05/15

2463 On route 3
12312 On route 5
19848 and 12330 On route 15
TE688 On route 17
E273 On route 21
VN37958 On route 26
VN36107 and VN37955 On route 30
LDP271 and SE192 ON ROUTE 39!!!
E142 On route 44
E175, E178, E192 and E194 On route 45

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 20/05/15

12312 and 12332 On route 5
19760 and 12314 On route 15
WVL198 ON ROUTE 20!!!
E261, E270 and WVL97 ON ROUTE 21!!!
VN37954 and DN33798 On route 26
VN37958 On route 30
TE929 and TE1444 On route 34
E163 On route 45

Monday, 18 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 19/05/15

2474 and 2480 On route 3
12314 On route 5
19768 and 12308 On route 15
E255 and E271 On route 21
VN36147, VN37958 and VN37952 On route 26
VN36112 and VN37953 On route 30
TNL33085 On route 31
TE927 and TE1421 On route 34
SE185 ON  ROUTE 39!!!
2517 ON ROUTE 40!!!
E140 and E146 On route 44
E171, E174 and E191 On route 45
DLD705 On route 46

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 18/05/15

19759, 12306 and 12316 On route 15
E249 and E250 On route 21
DN33634 On route 25
TN33185 On route 28
DN33789 On route 30
TN33198 On route 31
DWL17 On route 42
E148 On route 44
E181 On route 45
10136 On route 47
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 16/05/15

2471 On route 3
TE674 and TE925 On route 4
TE676 On route 17
E271 On route 21
DN33637, DN33613 and DN33632 On route 25
VN36117 On route 26
SP36 On route 27
TN33197 On route 29
VN37943, VN37954, VN37955, VN36163 and VN37953 On route 30
TNL33085, TN33187 On route 31
TE1426 On route 34
WVL327 On route 37
SE186 ON ROUTE 39!!!!
9837 On route 40
DWL17 and LDP259 ON ROUTE 42!!!!
E169 and E194 On route 45

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 15/05/15

2471 On route 3
12318 and 12321 On route 5
19780, 12308 and 12320 On route 15
E251 On route 21
VN36149 On route 26
VN37952 and VN37955 On route 30
TE927 and TE942 On route 34
DWL17 On route 42
E141 On route 44
E173, E187 and E169
Thanks For Reading! Remember Flickr!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 14/05/15

2467 On route 3
12315, 12320, 12325 and 12328 On route 5
19776, 19854, 12319 and 12324 On route 15
E268 On route 21
VN37864, VN36102 and DN33796 On route 30
E141 On route 44
E119, E171 and E185 On route 45
Thanks For Reading!

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 13/05/15

2457, 2467 and 2470 On route 3
12305 On route 15
E263 On route 21
TN33198 On route 23
DN33637 On route 25
VN36126 On route 26
VN36119, VN37955 and VN37943 On route 30
PVL337 On route 37
DWL17 On route 42
E196 On route 45
Thanks For Reading!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 12/05/15

2453, 2476 and 2484 On route 3
12308 On route 5
E177 On route 12
19781 and 12304 On route 15
E249 On route 21
VN37943, VN36102 and DN33790 On route 30
LDP271 On route 39
DWL17 On route 42
E143 and E148 On route 44
Thanks For Reading!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Odd Workings Of The Day: 11/05/15

2486 On route 3
12307 On route 5
WVH34, WVH37 and WVH40 On route 14
12310 On route 15
E252, E269 and E271 On route 21
DN33628 On route 25
VN37953 and VN37954 On route 26
SP157 On route 27
DN33792 On route 30
E139 and E150 On route 44
E109, E167, E169, E180 and E191 On route 45

Odd Working Of The Day: Update

For odd working of the day, I have decided that I will not do what I think is the oddest working of the day, but instead list the oddest workings on bus routes 1-50. The series title will still be Odd Working Of The Day, but I will post the slightly odd and very odd workings from routes 1-50. Also, if I discover something really interesting on another route, I will list that here.

Here are today's odd workings:
PVL233 On route 1
WHV14 On route 12
12332, 12331 and 12320 On route 5
E278 On route 44
E175 On route 45
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to check out my Flickr channel as well!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

New Series: Odd Working Of The Day!

Now, I am introducing an 'Odd Working Of The Day' series. I will post whenever I can, but if there is more the one very wierd working, then I will post two or three.

09/05/15 Odd Working Of The Day Is:
TTDN33793SN13CHF308Clapton Pond19:2552073Wanstead Park Station